Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sleeping Angel

Friday, November 7, 2008
Halloween 2008
I was so excited to get Spencer his Astronaut costume at the Air force Museum!

and my Sister in law, Mandy, with her cute boy Remy!!


Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Skipp'in Rocks!

I love to make new best memories now with my family. I can't explain how important this is for me........

Fantastic Fall

Every Fall I never seem to get bored of staring at all the amazing colors of our trees. I wonder how many times I have told Jeff, "It doesn't look real." or " It looks like a painting!" He agrees with me every time though!

Soooo pretty!

ZZZZzzzz, Spencer missed his first trip up Farmington Canyon! He saw a little on the way down though!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Airforce Museum

Spencer all dressed in his patriotic red, white and blue marches on to the next section of the museum as if he's done it all before!

Two really cute boys! They get along so well and it really is exciting to see him interact with other kids. Most of the time he behaves himself and other times he can't control himself because he is far too excited!

Spencer and Finn strolling along and holding hands.

Melissa and Burgundy giving each other some loves!
Cool, astronaut!!!
Mind Mush
I have to leave our house to study in addition to studying while Spencer sleeps. Review....review and review.
I really wish that I had one of those minds that retain everything that I read. Life would be so much easier, I think. The good thing about my mind mush is that I forgive much, much easier!
Brain power...retention.....any recommendations?
Sadly, I was excited to see a member of my last math class, that I am retaking, also retaking math. Typically, I'm not the kind of person who likes others to do poorly, but it was a comfort to see him.....pathetic....I know!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Spencer's 2nd Birthay Party!

Hours of entertainment playing with the water fountain. (Spencer, Finn and Ridge) Best Buddies!

Sweet little Burgundy!

Ashley is so beautiful! Spencer loves her!

Spencer just knew to blow out his candles like he has had so many previous birthdays! He is so smart. Poppie got him his awesome cake and enjoyed in helping him blow out candles! What a nice Poppie! Austin looks super entertained! :)

Diving into his yummy rasberry birthday cake! YUMMY!!

Poppie and Tyler, two pretty nice guys?!? We'll keep 'em!

I absolutely love, love, love this picture of Sandy, Kurt and Mandy. Spencer loves them sooo much!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Davis County Fair 2008

Finn's so cute! Spencer is just weirded out by the ride, his first ride ever. I was super surprised as to how fast it went! Spencer had the same look on his face the entire time! Not quite sure what to think.
Here's Spencer and Finn on the blow up slide thing. Finn is helping Spencer and he almost made it.

At this point Spencer slipped and slid down about half way. He got scared and I had to rescue the little guy. That was the end of that!
He had about the same look on the train ride too! :) He did say, "choo-choot" when he was done. It was a little too hot!

Then Spencer played in the sandbox for a bit.
We had a fun day at the Fair!!