Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sleeping Angel

My Beautiful Sleeping Boy....
He fell asleep today with his balloon that he will not be without. We got it at Rachel and Chuck's house for Rachel's Birthday party. It has only left his sight a few times since.
Children look like angels when they sleep. I could sit there and stare at him forever. It's one of my favorite things!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween 2008

Daddy and Spencer were both Astronauts!
What cute boys!!

. Spencer and Austin ( Cute little cousins!)

The cutest boys ever!!!
I was so excited to get Spencer his Astronaut costume at the Air force Museum!
What an adorable astronaut!!
My Dad and I

Here is my Sister Catherine with Austin, Me and Spencer,
and my Sister in law, Mandy, with her cute boy Remy!!

Let's Go!!!!!

They struck out on the very first house! My neighbors were also out with their kids. Spencer and Remy didn't care either way! :)