Where shall I begin? Well, I suppose I shall tell you about our trip to Strawberry Reservoir last week. It's been a while since we have slept away from home with Spencer and boy is it a whole new ball game! It is so much easier to stay at home, but he's almost two and needs some culture! :) Let me tell you....Strawberry is layered in culture! :) It is beautiful though!
After following my Dad, Tyler and Austin (our cute nephews), up to the lake, we decided to fish off the bank. Jeff and I have forgotten the ways of bait fishing, if we ever knew them at all! But, hey...it's all for the chit'lens nowadays. We brought along some bait rods from our garage and they didn't work. I think the line was wayyyy to old. So, my Dad had three brand new rods and reels. He also asked around about what bait to use and all of that interesting stuff. Power bait, baby. Need I say more? This stuff, "may cause cancer and other reproductive issues." Ok then....FISH ON! ;)
Tyler was playing with Spencer as I went around a bend to try a new spot in the lake. Unfortunately for me I got hung up on the first cast. There was quite a bit of "sea weed" at the bottom of the lake. I know I would of caught the lunker, otherwise! It took me about 10 minutes before I could get the lure unhooked, but luckily I didn't break the line. Already defeated, I decided to go check on the rest of the bunch. As I came around the bend, I saw a strange sight. Tyler was holding Spencer's hand with one of his hands and with the other something that resembled a chicken leg dangling from a string. As I got closer, my eyes served me right. What the? Tyler's face added to this odd sight. As only a teenager could make, he had a, "Don't even ask" look. CLASSIC MOMENT! Of course, I had to ask why he was holding a raw chicken leg on the end of a string?!? Only like a fifteen year old could explain, with the "I am way too cool for this" attitude....he explained that some lady made him take this to chum for crawdads. I guess he told her over and over again that he didn't want it, but she was just, "trying to get rid of it". Too funny.
Sorry, but, I must go on about the raw chicken leg on a string. And I'm mad I don't have pictures of it!! Ok, so shortly after my Dad came over and we explained it to him. Then Austin, who's 10, rolled onto the scene. My Dad was actually chumming for crawdads with it when Austin came up. He asked what it was and my Dad asked him what he thought it was. Austin said, "a chicken leg?" My Dad then said, " Yep, Austin, you are right! It's a chicken leg fish!" As Austin looked at me with question in his eyes, I collaborated and then added onto the story about they are only in Strawberry Reservoir because they are very rare. (We are mean!) But, I remember my family making up stories like this when I was a kid.
But, this was one of the funny moments of the trip. ( Life has small moments that I enjoy and can sit and laugh all over again as if it just happened. I think it's the best part! :)

The next day my Dad rented a fishing boat. We were up at the crack of dawn! Spencer and I stayed back, he was a little spunky. We just played around for a few hours. When the boys came back we were off fishing for the rest of the day! Spencer did really good.

He even took a little nap on the boat shortly after we stopped to fish! The waves and sounds out there were probably so soothing to him!

He really loved to steer the boat with anyone who was driving.....with Poppie.....

with Dadda....

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