We had an absolutely fabulous holiday season. I hated to take down the tree this year. I am so happy to spend it with such a wonderful family and I'm happy to still feel the magic of Christmas!

Here's Jeff and I kissing.......cute,
hu! I don't know if I have another picture of us kissing other than our wedding day pictures. Mommy
likey! :)

Austin, Tyler and Ashley

My nephew, Austin, and my
pumkin Spencer. What good

I cannot believe my little baby is so big! It's sad how fast he is growing! Slow down a little for your Mother, please!

Spencer women gone wild!

Spencer showing off his "bars" a.k.a dinosaurs.
Spiderman is in his right hand!

Christmas morning, we both got Christmas P.J.'s!! Yawn!

Spencer, Grandma, Remy and Grandpa, Christmas Eve in their new pajamas!

Christmas Eve at Grandma and
Grandpa's house! Holy smokes we get spoiled! It was really fun to see Remy and Spencer open up presents together.

While trying to build a snowman, Spencer just kept yelling.."
Maaaaa Maaaa!!!"

Spencer doesn't really like his snow outfit or the snow! Poor '
lil guy!
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