Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Time to Breath

Well, at least for a few weeks anyway!

Life has been full, to say the least. I starting working again after a lucky 3 & 1/2 years of being at home with little man. This economy has taught us a lot about humility and it hasn't been an easy lesson. But, with my head held high, I entered the workforce again. It has been interesting to juggle family life, school, and full time work. I'm working at Fusion Imaging in the accounting department. It's going good so far.

I am plugging away at my degree in accounting, very, very, slowly but consistantly. I haven't taken a break from school in two years....not even for the summer....yet I still have another two or more years left. And, yes....it's a Bachelor's degree, only! :) I will be happier than pretty much anyone who has ever finished school!!

Spencer has been potty trained for the past two months and wow how our life has changed! LOVE it!! I never thought I could be so proud of someone pooping on the potty! What an amazing boy we have.

I tell him every night that he is the sparkle in our eye. Then I ask him if he knows that, and he says, "Yes Momma, I know dat." Then I ask him, "how do you know that?" In which he usually responds, "because you told me." But instead he said, "because of my brain, Momma."

I love the silly things that he says, they make my world a happy place!!

Jeff has been working on creating new music with Zak Davis, a project called Sketch Poets. It is seriously sounding awesome! They are some talented musicians!! And I cannot wait for the Hoo Ray Who? shows this summer.....yea!

I will post some pictures as soon as I get another moment....:)

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